Thursday, October 8, 2015


Hello, and Happy National Poetry Day!
We’ve been living on this planet for around nineteen years now. The more time we spend here the greater our love for literature grows. This blog is a manifestation of that love. While  we are still novices to living and coincidentally, literature, we hope that our observations might help others gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the beauty that is poetry. We plan on posting analyses of poetry and other thoughts at least once a week. If you ever have a poem you’d like us to look over, feel free to comment the title or send it to us, we will be sure to respond and possibly write a post on it!


On What Planet

By Kenneth Rexroth

Uniformly over the whole countryside

The warm air flows imperceptibly seaward;
The autumn haze drifts in deep bands
Over the pale water;
White egrets stand in the blue marshes;
Tamapais, Diablo, St. Helena
Float in the air.
Climbing on the cliffs of Hunter's Hill
We look out over fifty miles of sinuous
Interpenetration of mountains and sea.
Leading up to a twisted chimney,
Just as my eyes rise to the level
Of a small cave, two white owls
Fly our, silent, close to my face.
They hover, confused in the sunlight,
And disappear into the recesses of the cliff.
All day I have been watching a new climber,
A young girl with ash blonde hair
And gentle confident eyes.
She climbs slowly, precisely,
With unwasted grace.
While I am coiling the ropes,
Watching the spectacular sunset,
She turns to me and says, quietly,
"It must be very beautiful, the sunset,
On Saturn, with the rings and all the moons."

Kenneth Rexroth, "On What Planet" from The Collected Shorter Poems. Copyright © 1940 by New Directions Publishing Corporation. 

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